Your license plate is an important form of identification, but it can also do a world of good.
Florida has more than 100 specialty license plate designs that honor universities, endangered species, and more. Now, Floridians have another option (and cause) to choose from.
Unveiled in September, Disney’s newly redesigned specialty plate will continue a long partnership with Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida.
So far, more than 40,000 vehicles throughout the state boast a Disney license plate, which helps grant the wishes of critically ill children throughout the region.
How Do Specialty Plates Work?
Florida’s specialty license plates are a great way to add some personality to your vehicle and celebrate your interest, but that’s not all they do. They also help contribute to some amazing causes throughout the Sunshine State.
When you purchase a specialty plate, the small annual fee (typically around $25) goes to a charitable organization, such as Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida.
With more than 100 designs to choose from, it’s no surprise that specialty license plates help raise millions of dollars each year.
The Disney License Plate
In 2021, Walt Disney World issued a license plate to celebrate the park’s 50th anniversary. But last September, the plate got a new design.
The new Disney license plate features the classic silhouette of Cinderella’s castle, surrounded by a swirl of sparkling stars. And each purchase of the plate will directly benefit Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida.
To date, the plates have raised more than $2 million, allowing us to grant roughly 250 wishes!
Making Magic
Over the past 50 years, Walt Disney World has played a vital role in creating magic for children and families, a goal that dovetails perfectly with Make-A-Wish’s mission.
In addition to contributing financially, Disney hosts thousands of critically ill children from all over the world. In fact, they are the largest wish granter in the world for Make-A-Wish International.
With the new Disney license plate, they’ll not only continue to raise money for one of Jacksonville’s best charities for children, they’ll help raise awareness.
How To Get One
Fortunately, the Disney license plate is available for first-time registration as well as plate renewals. To purchase it, Florida residents can make an appointment at their local Tax Collector’s Office or Florida license plate agency (DMV).
You can also purchase the Disney plate for a friend or family member by purchasing a gift certificate. The recipient does not need to have the gift certificate present to redeem it, just their Florida-issued driver’s license.
Making Wishes Come True
Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida has been granting wishes throughout Jacksonville for more than 30 years. To date, we’ve granted wishes for more than 7,000 children, giving them the hope and strength they need to overcome their illness.
And by purchasing the Disney license plate, you’ll join thousands of other Floridians to help make a difference in the lives of critically ill children in your community.
But that’s not the only way to lend your support. Making donations, acting as a volunteer, or attending one of our many events can help Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida reach our goal of granting a wish to every eligible child.
Get connected to learn more.